Thomas LIM (#CoachTom)

– DCE/COO Techicorum Holdings
– Dean, Thrive Consulting
– GSIC Ambassador

– International Coaching Federation (ICF) PCC
– Master Trainer of PEARLS Coaching Framework
– Advanced Certificate in Learning & Performance (ACLP)
– Adult Education Professionalisation/ Specialist Adult Educator
– Forbes Coaches Council Official Member 2022
– Web3.0 Coach & Consultant

* Powering Organisational Transformation to Web3.0 *

About Thomas LIM

Thomas LIM (#CoachTom)

Thomas is the Deputy CEO of Technicorum Holdings and Dean of Thrive Consulting. He is a Master Trainer for the PEARLS Coaching Framework and an official member of the Forbes Coaches Council. Thomas holds the accreditation of Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) with additional certifications in Training, Wellness Coaching and Applied Health & Human Performance.

Thomas has thirty years of working experience, with two decades holding leadership positions in both the Private and Public sector, including statutory boards such as SportSG and Infocomm Media Authority of Singapore. He currently holds Board and Advisory positions in several private sector enterprises. Thomas is well-versed in Organisational Transformation, Strategy, Web3.0, Change Management and writes regularly about these topics for Forbes.

Thomas was the Director of Consulting (Market & Business Strategy Practice) in Asia for Gartner, Inc. His clients included various Governments and Multi-National-Corporations. He was a frequent speaker at various international seminars and workshops. Thomas worked in SingTel and Accenture in his early career.

Thomas is married with 3 children. He graduated from the National University of Singapore majoring in Literature and Philosophy. He has also written several novels and developed educational and strategy games for various platforms.


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